\ OOOH, IT'S BEEN A WHILE... - The Adventures of Charlotte



Girl and dog in the snow

Hello, hello, hello! 

It's been a long while huh? I've not blogged since January 2020 and I was determined to get back into regular posting and then, ya'know...pandemic

If anything, lockdown should have encouraged me to write, after all, I did have a ton of spare time on my hands last year. Despite that, my mental health was in an awful place and I wanted to spend 2020 reconnecting with myself, which I feel I have done quite well. 

We also got a puppy in March before lockdown hit and that is time consuming! Working from home, training a puppy, zoom quizzes and everything in between just meant that I had put my writing to a side. It was a bloody lovely break. 

Regardless, I'm back and 2021 is going to be a blast (I hope). I have a ton of content and exciting stuff planned for the blog this year. Let's get it! 

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